Remove Black Magic Spells

How to Get your Ex back by Performing Black Magic Spell at home?

Black magic spells are the ones that really work when it comes to attracting your love back and getting the person of your choice in life. There is a simple technique that involves the use of petals from different flowers to attract that special someone into your life. Black magic can be practiced in such a soothing and aesthetic way to attract your love, that you might be tricked to think it is actually some technique of white magic.

The aroma coming out of different flowers gives various kinds of smells and colors help to attract the forces and spirits that help to cast a black magic spell of love on the person of your choice. Love spells with petals help to bring back your ex-lover to you forever. Sweet-smelling incense sticks and granules are used alongside petals of different kinds and also candles of different shapes and sizes.

Petals of various kinds that emit various smells, aroma and having different colors are highly effective for casting the love spells. All you need is a little practice to master the same.


How to Cast Black Magic Love Spell ?

With this simple technique that would be described now, all one needs is the five petals each of red rose, white tulip, pink lotus, yellow rose, reddish or maroonish spider lily. Also needed are the following items that include one bowl of Rose water, sandalwood paste. Have a picture of your ex-lover or the full- name written on a piece of red paper alongside the full name of the mother and father, date, time, place of birth. Cover all the petals with sandalwood paste and with these sandalwood laced petals; cover the picture or the red piece of paper on which the name of the ex has been written. Put the whole set in the bowl of water and let it remain there. You would find that the sandalwood paste starts dissolving slowly. Alongside that the picture or the red paper with the name also starts dissolving. When the dissolution is happening, concentrate on the thought of your beloved and call the person back. You would need to do this with one-pointed attention.


For simplifying, all you need to do is chant this simple mantra in your mind:

East West South North
All this directions come along
Wherever you go you will find me
I am within you and you within me
Come back if you lost your path
The flow of water will guide us like a dart.


When the sandalwood paste has dissolved completely, stop the chanting and cover the bowl. Keep it near your bed for three days. Pour this setup near a river, flowing channel or a drain near your ex’s house. Make sure no one notices you during the entire process. If the whole process is done successfully, you will find your ex-coming back within a month.

To know more about black magic and how they can actually be helpful contact our black magic spell removal to get powerful solution for bogging problems.